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HOPEJULIA Hair Repair Natural Hair Conditioner Organic Resurrected Grass Haircare HAIRTOLOGY 汇集丽三草两木复活草长效修复损发天然香 260ML

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SKU: HAE20210322

Categories: Health & Beauty, Hair Care

HOPEJULIA Hair Repair Natural Hair Conditioner Organic Resurrected Grass Haircare HAIRTOLOGY

Volume : 260ML / 750ML
Functions : Hair Repair
Ingredients : Silicone Oil Free , Resurrected Grass based
Expiry : 3 Years

容量 : 260ML / 750ML
功效 : 受损头发修复
成分 : 无硅油,复活草精华

# Every purchase comes with Free Gifts / 每份购买都将获得免费赠礼

Weyyy how come my hair still like this after using so many expensive shampoo...
Split end and dry hair still exist after buying the right shampoo ?
The Shampoo is not wrong la you are the wrong one my friend ~

Shampoo must used together with hair conditioner maaa
Just like IKEA Meatball must eat with Jam right

Just a simple step and you can say bye bye to split end hair
Enjoy your date without worrying others looking at your hair 💇🏻‍♀️
But also make sure you comb your hair and live a healthy lifestyle to maintain your hair quality lah 💁🏻‍♀️

哇 做么我头发还是分叉干巴巴的?
我都买了这么多名贵的洗发水 是不是买错了

冤枉咯 错的又不是洗发水 是你没有做功课咧~
洗发水顾名思义就是洗发对付头皮的 对付护理发丝当然要用护发素conditioner啦

就好像IKEA肉丸不加Jam这样咧 有违背大自然定律😩
听我的话乖乖用护发素 分叉发尾和你说bye bye
约会也不用害怕旁人眼光啦 看咯反正我头发美过你💁🏻‍♀️

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#natural hair shampoo

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