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Honey Lime 浓缩金桔蜂皇蜜

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SKU: FAC20210121

Categories: Groceries & Pets, Beverages

(Nature Juice-NJ) 浓缩金桔蜂皇蜜 Honey Lime (500g)
-素食者可食用. Suitable for vegetarian.
-Product of Malaysia.
-Manufatured from Kulai, Johor

Nature Juice-NJ) 浓缩金桔蜂皇蜜 Honey Lime (500g)
-Manufatured from Kulai, Johor

功效: 含有丰富的维他命C, 能生津解渴,下气消食. 餐后饮用, 帮助消化, 消除便秘, 传统配方提炼.
Honey Lime: Vitamin C, original natural drinks mechanical prepared by traditional methods. Quenches thirst, promotes, alleviates indigestion and reduce constipation. Consume after meal.
Kastari Asli: Minuman asli mengandungi Vitamin C yang bersih diekstrak oleh mesin dengan cara tradisi. Mengurangkan minum selepas makan.

成分: 桔子,蜜糖, 冰糖, 盐.
Ingredients: Lime, Honey, Rock Sugar, Salt, Contains no preservatives & artificial colouring. Two Spoonful for one big mug.
Ramuan: Limau, madu, gula batu, garam, tidak mengandungi bahan pengawet dan pewarna tiruan. Dua sudu untuk segelas.
