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Teh Promote Metabolism reduce fatigue龙鹤茶

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SKU: YAB20210319

Categories: Groceries & Pets, Coffee & Tea

Promote the metabolism of thirst are hot sellers to reduce fatigue and maintain good health and
Department of Lung Hok tea, a variety of natural herbs refined,
sweet and mellow cold dry
is the best of modern health care products

Composition characteristics:

Artichokes: rich in nutritional value, in Europe as a precious vegetables. Artichoke contains the artichoke hormone (cynarin), flavonoids (Flavonoid), bitter factors (Sesquiterpenlacton,), and asparagine, and other ingredients that can help reduce fatigue.

Ramie root: contains fatty acids, triterpenoids, Chlorogenic Acid, Ursloic Acid and other ingredients. Can drop the anger, promote metabolism.

Cross pearl grass: also known as Phyllanthus beads grass. The whole plant contains the lignans phyllanthum, Hypo-organic acids, alkaloids, vitamins and other ingredients. Cool annealing function.

Vitis: contains flavonoids (Flavonoid) stilbene (Stilbenes), quercetin (quercetin) and resveratrol (resveratrol), rutin (rutin), phytic acid and other functional ingredients. Can help to adjust physique.

Ipomoea Kim Yong: In addition to viewing beautiful flowers, in the familiar with the value of the plant people, Ipomoea gold England whole are all treasures. With annealing, reduce the role of fatigue.

Long Crane tea features

Department of Lung Hok tea with a variety of natural herbs, special cooked, refined, and sweet, mellow, not cold not dry. Consumption of a variety of regulating physiological function, promote metabolism, reduce fatigue, and spirit strong, and to maintain good health.

The amount of content: 3g x 30 bags of aluminum foil packaging Drinking method: tea bags will be placed in 300cc ~ 500cc 3 to 5 minutes in boiling water for continuous brewing; or 2-3 packets directly boiled for drinking, the flavor is better.

C促進新陳代謝 生津止渴 降火氣 減少疲勞感 保持身體健康
性味甘 濃醇 不寒不燥


朝鮮薊:富含營養價值,在歐洲被視為珍貴的蔬菜。朝鮮薊含有洋薊素(cynarin)、類黃酮 ( Flavonoid)、苦味素 ( Sesquiterpenlacton),以及天門冬酰胺等成分,能幫助減少疲勞感。

苧麻根:含有脂肪酸、三萜類化合物、Chlorogenic Acid、Ursloic Acid等成分。可降火氣,促進新陳代謝。






內容量:3g × 30袋鋁箔包裝